Relevant papers
† Equal contribution
• | R. Dahan†, S. Nehemia†, M. Shentcis, O. Reinhardt, Y. Adiv, X. Shi, O. Be’er, M. H. Lynch, Y. Kurman, K. Wang and I. Kaminer, Resonant phase-matching between a light wave and a free-electron wavefunction, Nature Physics 16, 1123-1131 (2020) (Supplementary materials, videos) § Highlighted on the Phys.Org. |
• | Y. M. Pan†, E. Cohen†, E. Karimi, A. Gover, I. Kaminer and Y. Aharonov, Weak measurement, projective measurement and quantum-to-classical transitions in electron-photon interactions, in progress. |
• | S. Fisher, C. Roques-Carmes, N. Rivera, L. J. Wong, I. Kaminer, M. Soljačić, Monochromatic X-ray source based on scattering from a magnetic nanoundulator, ACS Photonics 7, 1096 (2020) |
• | K. Wang, R. Dahan, M. Shentcis, Y. Kauffmann, A. Ben- Hayun, O. Reinhardt, S. Tsesses, I. Kaminer, Coherent Interaction between Free Electrons and Cavity Photons, Nature 582, 50 (2020) (Supplementary materials) |
• | O. Reinhardt†, C. Mechel†, I. Kaminer, Free-Electron Qubits, Annalen der Physik 533, 2000254 (2020) (Supplementary material) |
• | Y. Sheffer, Y. Hadad, M. H. Lynch and I. Kaminer, Towards Precision Measurements of Radiation Reaction, arXiv:1812.10188 |
• | L. J. Wong, N. Rivera, C. Murdia, T. Christensen, J. D. Joannopoulos, M. Soljačić, and I. Kaminer, Coherent control of quantum electrodynamical processes with shaped electron wavepackets, Nature Commun. 12, 1700 (2021) (Supplementary materials, Peer review file) |
• | A. Pizzi, G. Rosolen, L. J. Wong, R. Ischebeck, M. Soljačić, T. Feurer, and I. Kaminer, Graphene Metamaterials for Intense, Tunable, and Compact Extreme Ultraviolet and X-Ray Sources, Adv. Sci., 1901609 (2019). (Supplementary materials) |
• | N. Rivera, L. J. Wong, J. D. Joannopoulos, M. Soljačić & I. Kaminer, Light emission based on nanophotonic vacuum forces, Nature Physics, (2019). (Supplementary materials).§ Highlighted in physicsworld |
• | M. H. Lynch, E. Cohen, Y. Hadad, and I. Kaminer, Accelerated-Cherenkov radiation and signatures of radiation reaction, New J. Phys., 21, 083038 (2019) |
• | R. Remez†, A. Karnieli†, S. Trajtenberg-Mills, N. Shapira, I. Kaminer, Yossi Lereah, and A. Ariel, Observing the quantum wave nature of free electrons through spontaneous emission, Phys. Rev. Lett., 123, 060401 (2019) (Supplementary materials) |
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C. Roques-Carmes, Steven E. Kooi, Y. Yang, A. Massuda, P. Keathley, A. Zaidi, Y. Yang, J. D. Joannopoulos, K. Berggren, I. Kaminer and M. Soljačić, Towards integrated tunable all-silicon free-electron light sources, Nature Commun., 10, 3176 (2019)
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G. M. Vanacore, G. Berruto, I. Madan, E. Pomarico, P. Biagioni, R. J. Lamb, D. McGrouther, O. Reinhardt, I. Kaminer, B. Barwick, H. Larocque, V. Grillo, E. Karimi, F. J. Garcia de Abajo and F. Carbone, Ultrafast Generation and Control of an Electron Vortex Beam via Chiral Plasmonic Near Fields, Nature Materials, 18, 573–579 (2019)
§ Selected for News & Views in Nature Materials.
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N. Rivera, L. J. Wong, M. Soljačić, and I. Kaminer, Ultrafast Multiharmonic Plasmon Generation by Optically Dressed Electrons, Phys. Rev. Lett., 122, 53901 (2019).
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C. Roques-Carmes, N. Rivera, J. D. Joannopoulos, M. Soljačić, and I. Kaminer, Nonperturbative Quantum Electrodynamics in the Cherenkov Effect, Phys. Rev. X., 8, 041013 (2018).
• | A. Massuda, C. Roques-Carmes, Y. Yang, S. E. Kooi, Y. Yang, C. Murdia, K. K. Berggren, I. Kaminer, M. Soljačić, Smith-Purcell radiation from low-energy electrons, ACS Photonics, 5 (9), 3513–3518 (2018). (Supplementary materials) |
• | W. Cai†, O. Reinhardt†, I. Kaminer, and F. J. Garcia de Abajo, Efficient orbital angular momentum transfer between plasmons and free electrons, Phys. Rev. B, 98, 045424 (2018). |
• | G. Rosolen, L. J. Wong, N. Rivera, B. Maes, M. Soljačić and I. Kaminer, Versatile metasurface-based free electron multi-harmonic light source, Light Sci. Appl., 7, 64 (2018). (Supplementary materials) |
• | X. Shi†, X. Lin†, I. Kaminer, F. Gao, Z. Yang, J. D. Joannopoulos, M. Soljačić, and B. Zhang, Superlight Inverse Doppler Effect, Nature Physics, 14, 1001–1005 (2018). |
• | Y. Yang, A. Massuda, C. Roques-Carmes, S. E. Kooi, T. Christensen, S. G. Johnson, J. D. Joannopoulos, O. D. Miller, I. Kaminer, M. Soljačić, Maximal Photon Emission and Energy Loss from Free Electrons, Nature Physics, 14, 894–899 (2018). (Supplementary materials) |
• | G. M. Vanacore, I. Madan, G. Berruto, K. Wang, E. Pomarico, R. J. Lamb, D. McGrouther, I. Kaminer, B. Barwick, F. Javier Garcia de Abajo, F. Carbone, Attosecond coherent control of free-electron wave functions using semi-infinite light fields, Nature Commun., 9, 2694 (2018). § Highlighted on the Phys.Org. |
• | X. Lin, S. Easo, Y. Shen, H. Chen, B. Zhang, J. D. Joannopoulos, M. Soljačić, and I. Kaminer, Controlling Cherenkov angles with resonance transition radiation, Nature Physics, 14, 816–821 (2018). (Supplementary materials) § Selected for Research Highlights in Nature Photonics. |
• | E. Pomarico, I. Madan, G. Berruto, G. M. Vanacore, K. Wang, I. Kaminer, F. J. García de Abajo, and F. Carbone, meV resolution in laser-assisted energy-filtered transmission electron microscopy, ACS Photonics. 5 (3), 759–764 (2018). |
• | H. Larocque, I. Kaminer, V. Grillo, R. W Boyd, E. Karimi, Twisting neutrons may reveal their internal structure, Nature Physics 14, 1-2. (2018). (Correspondence) |
• | H. Larocque, I. Kaminer, V. Grillo, G. Leuchs, M. J. Padgett, R. W. Boyd, M. Segev, and E. Karimi, “Twisted” Electrons, Contemp. Phys. 59:2,126-144 (2017). |
• | R. Remez, N. Shapira, C. Roques-Carmes, R. Tirole, Y. Lereah, M. Soljačić, I. Kaminer, and A. Arie, Spectral and spatial shaping of Smith Purcell Radiation, Phys. Rev. A, 96, 061801 (Rapid Communication) (2017). |
• | L. J. Wong, K.-H. Hong, S. Carbajo, A. Fallahi, P. Piot, M. Soljačić, J. D. Joannopoulos, F. X. Kärtner, and I. Kaminer, Laser-Induced Linear-Field Particle Acceleration in Free Space, Sci. Rep. 7, 11159 (2017). (Supplementary materials) Related videos: (1, 2, 3) |
• | M. Mutzafi, I. Kaminer, G. Harari and M. Segev, Non-Diffracting Electron Vortex Beams Balancing Their Electron-Electron Interactions, Nature Commun. 8, 650 (2017). |
• | S. Tsesses, G. Bartal, and I. Kaminer, Light generation via quantum interaction of electrons with periodic nanostructures, Phys. Rev. A 95, 013832 (2017). |
• | X. Lin, I. Kaminer, X. Shi, F. Gao, Z. Yang, Z. Gao, H. Buljan, J. D. Joannopoulos, M. Soljačić, H.Chen, B. Zhang, Splashing transients of 2D plasmons launched by swift electrons, Sci. Adv. 3, e1601192 (2017). (Supplementary Materials and Movie showing time evolution of 2D plasmons launched by swift electrons) |
• | I. Kaminer, S. E. Kooi, R. Shilo, B. Zhen, R. Remez, Y. Shen, J. Lopez, Y. Yang, J. D. Joannopoulos, A. Arie, and M. Soljačić, Spectrally and spatially resolved Smith-Purcell radiation in plasmonic crystals with short-range disorder, Phys. Rev. X 7, 011003 (2017). (Supplementary materials) |
• | I. Kaminer, M. Mutzafi, A. Levy, G. Harari, H. Herzig Sheinfux, S. Skirlo, J. Nemirovsky, J. D. Joannopoulos, M. Segev, M. Soljačić, Quantum Čerenkov Radiation: Spectral Cutoffs and the Role of Spin and Orbital Angular Momentum, Phys. Rev. X 6, 011006 (2016). (Supplementary materials) § Selected for Research Highlights in Nature Physics. |
• | L. J. Wong†, I. Kaminer†, O. Ilic, J. D. Joannopoulos, and M. Soljačić, Towards Graphene Plasmon-Based Free-Electron IR to X-ray Sources, Nature Photonics 10, 46 (2016). (Supplementary materials) § Featured on the MIT front page, and was also selected for News & Views in Nature Photonics. § Featured on A*STAR Research Highlight. |
• | I. Kaminer, J. Nemirovsky, M. Rechtsman, R. Bekenstein and M. Segev, Self-accelerating Dirac particles and prolonging the lifetime of relativistic fermions, Nature Physics 11, 261(2015). (Supplementary materials) § Published as the journal cover of Nature Physics. It was also selected for News & Views in Nature Physics, and received commentary in several magazines. |